At Sydenham School, we take pride in providing our students with the assistance and guidance necessary to make informed decisions about their future paths. This involves personalized meetings with our independent careers adviser during crucial transition periods, participation in Careers Carousels, and engagement in Employability Day activities. Our commitment is to nurture well-informed, ambitious students equipped with the skills and confidence to achieve their goals, not only in further education but also in the contemporary workplace of the 21st century. For additional details, refer to our Careers Programme statement below.
To guarantee the efficiency of our careers education, information, advice, and guidance (CEIAG) program, we conduct an annual review. The upcoming review is scheduled for July 2024.
To get started on Indigo go to and use the following logins:
Student login
Username: SydenhamStudent
Password: SydenhamStudent23
For Parents:
Useful careers website links:
- The National Careers Service
- UCAS Progress is a website full of advice about what to do after school:
- For help deciding what to choose at 14, 16 or 18 – look at:
The National Careers Service
UCAS Progress is a website full of advice about what to do after school:
For help deciding what to choose at 14, 16 or 18 – look at:
- Get vocational information on a wide range of careers – look at:
- If you are thinking of going out to work – look at:
- If you are interested in going to Uni – look at:
Get vocational information on a wide range of careers – look at:
If you are thinking of going out to work – look at:
If you are interested in going to Uni – look at:
National Guidance Research Forum
This very informative website: information about the labour market, including future trends in 25 UK job sectors.
Archive - Careers Events & Trips
- Careers Carousel 2020
- Careers Talk - Architecture and Interior Design
- Bloomberg Headquarters 2020 Year 10 visit
- JP Morgan Generation Tech Event
- National Theatre Costume Talk
- Year 10 - Employability Day November 2019
- VIP Careers Visit from Sir Simon McDonald
- Envision at Sydenham School