Special Educational Needs Teachers:
- Sarah Henry - SENCo
The Faculty:
We aim to help remove the barriers to learning experienced by students, thereby enabling them to access the main curriculum and to be involved in a full and positive way with all aspects of school life. This is achieved through withdrawal from some lessons in order to support the acquisition of basic skills essential to full participation. We also provide in-class Teaching Assistants to support high-needs students across the school curriculum.
Our Policy:
We recognise that all students are special and all have individual needs. We take pride in our inclusive ethos and the way in which each student is nurtured and supported so that all are able to reach their potential. Additional or different provision may be required for some students who may be said to have Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability. This may take the form of a significant difficulty or disability that is a barrier to their learning and may be in one or more of the following areas:
- Cognition and Learning
- Communication and Interaction
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health
- Sensory and/or Physical
Where concerns regarding a student are present then that concern needs to be shared between the parent or carer and the SENCO as soon as possible.
Sydenham operates an open-door policy whereby parents are encouraged to contact the school to discuss any concern they may have about their child. The SENCO will then consider how additional or different provision may be introduced to meet those particular needs from the resources available. This will be recorded on the Provision Map on a termly basis. It is expected that in most cases, this will be sufficient to support a student to catch-up.
SEND Policy, click here
SEND Information report, click here
SEND profile information, click here
SEND Principles, click here
Useful documents for parents and students during School closure
Please see our Inclusion page: HERE
Speech and Language
Website: Click HERE
Description: a range of education and therapy resources for speech and language problems. A podcast is also available on iTunes for verbal and non-verbal children.
Registration: not required
Kooth Documents
- Some statistics on the growth in mental health and well-being concerns since Covid
- A brochure for parents and carers explaining what Kooth can offer
- A guide to understanding and managing feelings of loneliness
- A parent and carer information sheet on how parents can talk to their children about feelings