

Mr Ranson 

Ms Bennett 

Mr George 

Ms Hamilton 

Geography encompasses the study of people, the physical world and the way in which human's impact upon it.  Geography is a dynamic and relevant subject, covering many of the world’s current issues. At Sydenham School students study challenging and up to date topics that help them make sense of the world around them. They study a broad range of human and physical topics, incorporating many case studies, from global to local scale.  Students develop and demonstrate a variety of geographical skills at each key stage. This involves using a range of resources such as Ordnance Survey maps, photographs, climate graphs and statistical information. They undertake fieldwork enquires to collect, present, describe, analyse, and evaluate primary data.  Assessments are focused on knowledge and understanding, analysis, evaluation and geographical skills to prepare students for GCSE’s and A-levels.  

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Geography 1

Geography 2

Geography 3